Sunday, January 31, 2010

Felt-it-up; cheap re-useable craft idea

Every time I'm in the dollarstore I cruise the craft section. As tempted as I am, I manage to avoid all those sparkly yarns, and multi coloured sewing pins and iron-on Dora transfers, I just keep walking. So why is it I can't avoid picking up felt? After a failed attempt to clear-out my craft cupboards (which recently became plural hence the clear-out) I realized something must be done. So this is what I did:

  • I left 2 sheets of felt alone,

  • I cut out circles (which I was too lazy to trace a proper circle first, so they are more like eggs/ovals )

  • Squares, triangles, rectangles; you get it.

  • Grabbed buttons and drew faces on them

  • Made a felt scene of my own

  • Called my daughter over to wreck it and make one of her own

  • Stood by the table scissors ready to cut out whatever shape her huge imagination desired

She assembled and disassembled for 45 minutes. She asked me to cut out hats and hair, we had a great time. The cost of this re-usable craft was a whopping $3.00.